So, as I have said, this is a new beginning for me. At 48 years old, I do find it necessary to finally establish myself within this world of high strangeness.

I had belonged to several groups that tramped around the woods looking for bigfoot prints and creeped through abandoned buildings hoping a ghost would leave its voice on a tape recorder. However, evidence is rarely gathered and, in truth, these groups act as little more than social clubs. Hey, I am an educated researcher, employing the scientific method. I am not an armchair para-guy, who gets inspiration off cable television shows. No, I am an academic. So the Fortean approach is more my style.

And speaking of style, I need to look the part. As I am too lazy to shave, my manly red Viking beard has now been touched with grey, giving me a rather dignified air. But what else? I need to be the total package. I want to be the trademark people want to buy into. I am an author, after all! I need to make money. I refuse to wear safari clothing because I am not in Africa nor do I camp. But it seems mandatory to wear a hat, almost a prerequisite. So, on my birthday, my wife presented me with my very own hat. A beautiful fedora that harkens to Indiana Jones. Now, that I can live with. So, I have my hat. What about the clothes. Well, I have a leather jacket that is twenty years old, beaten and battered by life, sort of like its owner. I love this jacket so it is coming with me. I have always dressed conservatively, so a dress shirt is my style. But I am missing something. Then it came to me– suspenders! Yes! It alludes to sophistication and a certain urbaness lacking in this world of paranormal and cryptozoological investigation.

So this is now my Fortean style. My new beginning now has a look all its own– unique and totally me!
