May 10, 2018 | appearances, Blog, Episodes, Friends and Family, Goblin Archives, podbean, Promo, Publication, Uncategorized

Hey Goblin
On this episode of Inside The Goblin Universe, Ronald Murphy and Sir Bryan Bowden welcome Seasoned Paranormal Investigator – Ron Yacovetti. We are jumping feet first into the Rabbit Hole and talking Helter Skelter with a visit to the Sharon Tate House, The Shadow Man of the Queen Mary and so much more.
Inside The Goblin Universe
with Special Guest Ron Yacovetti
Thursday May 10, 2018 at
8:00 PM EST/GMT 5:00 PM PST
on Para X Radio Network
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Lean into the Fear™
Feb 13, 2018 | Blog, Episodes, Goblin Archives, Promo, Publication, Uncategorized
Hey Goblins
Our audio archives have been. We can be found on so download and share with all.
Dec 7, 2017 | Blog, Episodes, Friends and Family, Goblin Archives, Goblin Goodies, Promo, Publication, Uncategorized, Update, YouTube
What? Say you missed the latest episode of “Inside The 🐲Goblin Universe” with special guests Robbert van den Broeke and Johny Webb?
t our Goblins. It’s here on our YouTube Channel! Don’t forget to “LIKE” and SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out.

Nov 15, 2017 | Episodes, Events, Goblin Archives, Promo, Publication, Uncategorized, YouTube
Hey Goblins
If you missed this weeks episode of “Inside The 🐲Goblin Universe ITGU” with Special Guest – David Cook, then fear not! You can catch it here on our YouTube channel. And while you are there – SUBSCRIBE< img src=””>< img src=”” class=”size-medium wp-image-32756″ height=”300″ width=”220″>
Sep 19, 2017 | Episodes, Events, Goblin Archives, Promo, Publication, Uncategorized
Hey Goblins, “Inside The ?Goblin Universe ITGU” is moving – to the BLACK SWAMP RADIO NETWORK [ ]
Join CoHosts Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden as they discuss the Stuff of your Nightmares.
Now Twice The Fear
Tuesday 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Original Content.
Thursday 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Goblin Archives.

Sep 8, 2017 | Episodes, Goblin Archives, Update
IF YOU MISSED THE LAST EPISODE of “Inside The ?Goblin Universe ITGU” THEN YOU MISSED Chris Evers discussing Special Guests, Breaking News, and NEW – Never Been Seen – Roswell Evidence! All of which takes place this September 9, 2017 at the The First ever Outer Limits Conference in Hull UK.
atch this replay at< u>Original Air Date 9/5/2017<<<
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