On the next Inside The Goblin Universe 8/3/17

On the next Inside The Goblin Universe 8/3/17

On this Episode of "Inside The Goblin Universe" Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden welcome Chris Edge, host of the Cryptonormal X show, into the Cryptid Rabbit Hole and Discuss, Mothman, Owlmand and the Incredible Dogman. Come be informed. Thursday August 3 at 10:00 pm EST 11:00 pm PST/GMT on the Paranormal UK 🇬🇧 Radio Network www.PAUKRADIO.com

#ITGU #Paranormal #SciFi #BMBBUMP #Dogman #Mothman #Owlman

All the Best
Ronald & Bryan

Justin Cancilliere – The Griffin

Justin Cancilliere – The Griffin

On this Episode of "Inside The Goblin Universe" Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden welcome CoHost of the ParaTruth Radio Show, Justin Cancilliere, into the Rabbit hole to discuss Jeffrey Dahmer, Cryptids and  The Legendary Creatures Project: The Gryphon. Come be informed. Thursday July 27 at 10:00 pm EST 11:00 pm PST/GMT on the Paranormal UK 🇬🇧 Radio Network www.PAUKRADIO.com

Ken DeCosta Joins us on the next Inside The Goblin Universe ITGU

Ken DeCosta Joins us on the next Inside The Goblin Universe ITGU

Ron and Bryan welcome Ken DeCosta, founder of Riseup Paranormal ( http://www.riseupparanormal.com ), on the next episode of “Inside The Goblin Universe”.

Ken discusses what made him leap into the paranormal Rabbit hole and How the Ocean State Paracon got started and has grown to a premier event that does a lot of good for a lot of great organizations. Come Join us on Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 10:00 pm EST 11:00 pm PST/GMT on the Paranormal UK Radio Network (www.paukradio.com)