Danny Radikal – owner of Museum of Wonders and Oddities

We met a lot of great people at this years 2017 Ocean State Paracon. One of these is Danny Radikal – owner of the Museum of Wonders and Oddities, and creator of handmade  Ouija boards. So of course we had to stop by stopped by to check it out.

Danny has a lot of cool items and oddities. Check out his website for all the products she carries: www.dannyradikal.com/

#ITGU #DannyRadikal #Ouija



Kristen Hewitt – Owner and Artisan of Bohemian Cove

We met a lot of great people at this years 2017 Ocean State Paracon. One of these is this lady right here Kristen Hewitt,  the owner of Bohemian Cove Jewelry, she was dueling it out with her neighboring vendor at the time. and so we stopped by to check out her products.

Kristen is not only the owner but also the Artisan, and she does incredible work. Hand crafted jewelry, bracelet, beads, necklaces, energy charges stones, fairy Gardens and special potions for all your potion needs. Check out her website for all the products she carries: www.BohemianCove.com


#ITGU #Kristen Hewitt #BohemianCove

Brooke Haramija owner of Brookes Nook

We met a lot of great people at this years 2017 Ocean State Paracon. One of these is this lady here Brooke Haramija the owner of Brookes Nook, she was dueling it out with another vendor at the time. Brooke offers vintage toys and other cool items.

It was a cool looking through the Looking Glass at the toys of yesteryear. Check out her stuff on her website: BrookesNookVintage.com