Feb 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Jonathan Downes, head of Britain’s Centre for Fortean Zoology, has announced a reward of £50,000 ($70,000) for anyone who, between January and June, 2018, can produce incontrovertible evidence that any one of the following cryptids exists:
Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Mermaid, Earth Hound. Yeti/Almasty.Chupacabras, Flying Snake of Namibia, Yowie, Cornish Owlman.
Jonathan, a veteran cryptozoological investigator, is offering the reward in association with Capcom. This firm is now launching a new game called Monster Hunter: World and the offer is to mark the occasion.
The Centre for Fortean Zoology, of which this is the US blog, has sent cryptid hunting expeditions to many parts of the world and has done extensive research into cryptozoology, the study of animals which may exist, but of whose existence we have yet to find proof.
The Centre for Fortean Zoology, situated in rural Devon, has sent out expeditions to Mongolia, Indonesia, Puerto Rico and Russia. It is one of the major centers of cryptozoology today. It also publishes a fine array of cryptozoology books. It has a youtube tv station.
He’s been getting them from Jonathan Downes.
Note: The CFZ does not approve the killing of cryptids to supply proof of their existence.
The CFZ has also been involved in the search for mystery Big Cats in Britain. A recently discovered sheep skeleton has been found killed in the way typical of Big Cats. The CFZ, under its doughty director Jonathan Downes, has been called in to investigate. This article also gives details of the monsters which are eligible in the Monster Hunter: World competition mentioned above.
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source: CFZ-USA
Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
Are the Orange Cave crocodiles of Gabon doing this?
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source: CFZ-USA
Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
But what is this widespread plague?
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source: CFZ-USA
Jan 30, 2018 | Blog, Episodes, Events, Ledgend and Lore, Publication, Uncategorized
Hey Goblins
Involuntary ghost hunter and storyteller Calum Lykan (he’s not a werewolf) drops by to discuss his experiences with the unusual and the lost art of storytelling. He is determined to bring back the original form of social media. Do not miss this enlightening and entertaining episode! Breakout your Best Scotch and Join Calum Lykan, and cohosts Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden, on the next Inside The Goblin Universe.

A Night Not To Be Missed!
Inside The Goblin Universe
with Special Guest Calum Lykan
Tuesday January 30, 2018 at
8:00 PM EST/GMT 5:00 PM PST
on Black Swamp Digital Radio
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Jan 30, 2018 | Blog, Episodes, Events, Ledgend and Lore, Publication, Questions, Uncategorized
We are on the precipices of extinction of Storytelling. In this 30 second microwave world, is there anyone who can help us? Yes! There is and he is Scottish. Calum Lykan has a mission- save the art of Storytelling.
On the next Inside The Goblin Universe, Calum Lykan goes deep into why storytelling is so important for all of humanity; and how he’s keeping it alive!
Don’t miss out, Tuesday January 30, 2018 at 8:00 on EST on the Black Swamp Digital Radio [www.BlackSwampRadio.net]

#CalumLykan #RonaldMurphy #BryanBowden #InsideTheGoblinUniverse
Jan 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
Creature of Eskimo legend.
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source: CFZ-USA
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