As a Traditional Scottish Storyteller, Calum doesn’t read from a book but instead uses his knowledge, passion, and love of stories to engage with the audience and create a unique experience with endless possibilities.
Born and raised in Ayrshire, he benefited being surrounded by the stories of this rich and beautiful area. Travelling like a Bard across the country, he eventually ended up in Edinburgh where he found and developed his passion as a professional Storyteller and Tour Guide. Now spending most of his time in Canada Calum is continuing this tradition.
He’s been a regular contributor to storytelling evenings such as Cafe Voices and The Guid Crack, StorySlamsand local Tellarounds in both Scotland and Canada. Calum is also the founder of The Burgh Blatherers, a storytelling group for up and coming storytellers in Edinburgh where they can test their stories and build confidence.
He’s told stories in a wealth of locations from libraries, schools, community centers, public houses, theaters, festivals, the streets, in distant lands, and even in ancient Redwood Forests, and loved every minute of it.
Often found in the traditional Feileadh Mòr ( the Great Plaid), Calum specialises in Scottish Tales but can also transform into a scallywag Pirate, a wild Barbarian, or a Viking Skald.
His passion for stories and love of history makes him a fantastic choice for your event
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